You want to get your hands on those Blake Shelton tickets but fear you are running out of time?  Do not worry. We have quite possibly the raddest thing ever rad that I decided to make up the word "raddest." Okay.  Tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 7:40am we will have the ULTIMATE VIP EXPERIENCE.  What does that entail?  Are you sitting down?  Seriously....sit down for this one.

It is a VIP Tour with unprecedented access.  You will be in places you shouldn't be for over an hour.  First you will see how the 10 semi - 10 bus - 90 person tour operates.  You will see everything including standing on the stage where Blake will stand a few hours later.  You'll chow on some delicious dinner from the kitchen that travels with the tour.  You'll tour Blake's Party Bus!  You will be sitting in the FRONT ROW. Is that enough?  Yeah.  Not for will also meet and have your picture taken with Blake Shelton!  Bad-ass!  Listen tomorrow morning at 7:40a to win!

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