I’ve said a lot of stupid things on the air over the years.  But there is something I’ve never said and I never will.


Retarded.  Tard.  These words are not acceptable.  Ever.

Let me make this as clear as I possibly can, using another word that many would agree is offensive.

To those with intellectual disabilities and those of us who love them, using the r-word is paramount to using words like “nigger” when talking about African Americans.

Sound harsh?  It is.  And it’s time it stopped.

Today I became aware that one of our advertisers is using the word “tard” in their radio commercial. I’m not naming them, because it is my hope that this issue will be taken care of in-house and the client will realize their mistake and try to turn this negative into a positive.  But I can’t sit silently.  Even if criticizing a paying client might get me fired. I have to address this.

When I learned about the commercial in question, I cried.  I cried because, coincidentally, today is my daughter’s fourth birthday.  And she has Down syndrome.

She’s also beautiful, funny, smart, and incredibly loving.  When the client used the word, encouraging you not to be a tard, the insinuation is that somehow people with intellectual disabilities are less than human; they’re the worst thing you can be.  And as Isabelle’s daddy, I can tell you, that is far from reality.

People who use words as weapons without thinking about how they’re going to hurt others are the ones who don’t act human.  They’re the ones we should be holding to a higher standard.

When somebody uses the r-word, especially in the media, they normalize the use of the word.  They make it easier for a kid who hears it to turn around and use it against another person.  And the cycle of bullying continues.

We (and by that I mean the entire Townsquare Media family) do a lot to help out kids.  We raise a lot of awareness and money to help children.  But if we tolerate the use of the r-word, we are in a sense saying, “we care about kids… just not ALL kids….”

So today I’m asking everybody in the Townsquare Media family as well as all of you who listen to one of our radio stations to take the PLEDGE to ban the use of the r-word.  Think of it as a birthday present for Isabelle, who I promise you, would give you the best hug you’ve ever had if she had a chance.


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