Today is a very special day.

It’s the 10th anniversary of “Mean Girls.”  Oh, and it’s also my 10th wedding anniversary.  Personally, I think my marriage has aged better than Lindsey Lohan.  But I digress….

This morning on the show, Alana asked me what I learned over the past 10 years about marriage. Considering the average marriage in America lasts about 7 years, 10 years apparently qualifies me to be a wise sage sitting on a marriage mountaintop.

I have learned over the years that in order to make a marriage last, don’t be surprised when stuff happens.  Because stuff WILL happen. Gnarly, ugly, painful stuff WILL happen.  It’s the couples who are blindsided by the stuff who struggle.

“We’re in love,” they say dreamily while making those annoying googly eyes at one another. “Nothing can come between us.”

Then when the stuff hits the fan, they are shocked.

“How could this happen to us?!  But – but --we’re in LOVE!”

Stuff happens.  Accept it.  And when stuff does happen, don’t be shocked.  Couples since the beginning have been dealing with stuff. Just ask Adam and Eve.  They got exiled from paradise.  On the “stuff happens” continuum, that’s some pretty stinky stuff.

So there you go.  Realize stuff is going to happen.  When stuff does happen, don’t be shocked.  Deal with the stuff and do something together.  Like fire up the Netflix and watch “Mean Girls.”  Again.

What’s your marriage advice?  Leave a comment below!

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