Do you believe in Nostradamus and his prophecies?  I think it's entertaining and interesting to say the least.  How someone could have predicted anything thousands of years after their own life is well ....amazing.  Some of these things have happened too!

glitter stars on green light burst
Credit: ThinkStock / Siew mei Wong

I thought I'd post a couple things that Nostradamus has predicted for 2016, and if you would like to read the full story then you can click to find out more.  Some things I just want to be left a surprise, but if you look at the whole list it's amazing because he at least knew the topics that would be big issues and he's been deceased for a long time!  Crazy!

Nostradamus predicted the great Chicago fire and the rise of Hitler.  Here are a couple predictions of 2016.

1.  The greatest recorded earthquake- This is one that intrigues me so much.  The west coast has been on alert for some time waiting for this to happen.   "The largest earthquake in the history of the United States will occur, especially affecting the western area of the country, its power will be felt in other countries around the world."

2.  No more taxes!  Can you imagine?  According to Nostradamus, "A great revolt will end all taxation forever. People refuse to pay the tax to the king. On that day, many will celebrate freedom in a country that taxes mercilessly."

Click here for the full list of 2016 predictions from Nostradamus.






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