
Idaho Wines to Celebrate National Drink Wine Day
Idaho Wines to Celebrate National Drink Wine Day
Idaho Wines to Celebrate National Drink Wine Day
Currently Idaho has over 60 wineries and 1,300 acres of vineyards. Some of the first grapes planted in the Pacific Northwest were in Lewiston in the 1860s. Now the Idaho wine industry is thriving and for good reason. Many awards have been won from Idaho Wineries.
The ‘Drunkest’ City in Idaho Is…..
The ‘Drunkest’ City in Idaho Is…..
The ‘Drunkest’ City in Idaho Is…..
It hardly seems fair to base these numbers on 2020 when we were in crazy mode and on lock down. Everyone drank more when we were under the lockdown. Either way here in Idaho it was not Boise or anywhere in the Treasure Valley for that matter.
Boise City Scooter DUI's
Boise City Scooter DUI's
Boise City Scooter DUI's
Many are using the new Boise scooters as an alternative to drinking and driving BUT... it still IS drinking and driving.

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