You ready to get a little inside radio and records?  Mondays are big days in the country music world.  It's the day that every one who is involved with records works hard for. I liken it to election day.  Monday is called "Add Day" and this is where radio stations all over the country decide which song or songs they are going to add to their playlist.  This is a HUGE day for artists and record companies.  They have strategically picked a song they think you will LOVE and hope that radio has room to play it.  There's a lot more science involved in the music formula, but that's the short version.

So.  Yesterday The Swon Brothers' latest single "Later On" was officially going for adds on radio.  At WOW we heard from you after we played it for our New At Nine and you really liked it. We decided to start playing it on WOW so thanks to you and your strong, positive reaction to it.  We were not the only ones who added their record and as you can see from the video yesterday, The Swon Brothers made history with the most adds in country music history.  Congrats to Colton and Zach!


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