What can we learn about life and business from Swiss and Japanese watchmakers?  Apparently a lot.

The other day a friend told me a story.  It was about Swiss watchmakers, who, back in the day, had the watch market all to themselves.  If you wanted a watch, you got a Swiss one.  They looked cool and they cost a lot because they were handcrafted by old Swiss watchmakers with handlebar mustaches while sipping hot cocoa.

Then along came the Japanese.

They came up with a cheaper, more accurate timepiece that didn't include all of the complicated gears the Swiss watches did.  Rather than adjust to how the times were changing, the Swiss said, “We’re the Swiss man!  We make watches!  It’s what we do!  Nobody can step to our timepieces.”  Although I assume it was yodeled in a cool accent while eating chocolate.

Guess what happened.

In just a couple of short years the Japanese consumed the watch market and never looked back. So what can we learn from this?  I think it’s an example of remembering not only to react to a changing world, but knowing WHEN to react to change.  Too often businesses and organizations decide to make changes when the genie has already left the barn.   Then, they spend way too much energy and resources attempting to catch up.

Be proactive.  Be aware of what’s going on in the world.  Be aware of what the competition is doing, and do it better before they beat you.  If not, you’ll be sitting in your kitchen looking at the Alps surrounded by a bunch of watches in boxes nobody wants.


Let me know your thoughts.  Leave me a comment below or email me at Randy@wow1043.com.

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