For my very first dog blog I decided to write on the importance of daily walks.  Everyone seems to be on a health kick lately so I thought this should be my focus AND after seeing so many people walking their dogs yesterday in the foothills because the weather was so lovely, it seems apropos. Plus.  I love walks with my best friend.

Lucy In The Foothills
Credit | Alana Lynn

First, I love walks.  I love them so much.  When my mom grabs my leash I rush to the door and jump around because I just know I am going to have a great time.  During the winter we didn’t much go for walks because it was too cold for my mom. I wanted to go so bad and even let my mom know by eating things around the house, so we went a few times.

During the winter months I put on a couple lbs.  The vet said it was a little too much and by a couple I mean I went from 75lbs to 83lbs.  Whoops!  That said, I have started taking off the weight with our daily walks once again.

My friend Dr. Bob at Intermountain Pet Hospital and Lodge says before you take your dog out for a walk; make sure they are in good shape.  You may be able to run 3 miles but we might not.  All of us dogs are at risk for overheating.  So as it gets hot make sure we are not woozy, have a dark-red colored tongue, or have thick ropy saliva.  If that happens get us to shade and if you have a hose you can spray it at us, we would appreciate it.  Also, please don’t feed us right before or after an intense exercise.  Our bellies are sensitive and could twist and bloat….and ain’t nobody got time for bloating.

Beyond the benefits of taking us for a walk for you, we LOVE it.  We love spending time with you!  You pay attention to us with few distractions and we meet lots of new faces along the way!

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