I'm not trendy; I'm a 34 year old Mom. Can I still look cool?!

I am always a good 6 months to a year behind on the trends. It takes me a long time to buy into something and by the time I do the trend usually changes. For example, I hated skinny jeans. I refused to wear them forever. Then I finally get on board and apparently flares are coming back! Ugh. So I bought these boots that I guess are in style right now and the pants I put on this morning don't work (although of course I didn't realize this until I get to work)! Bottom line they were popping out of my boots so Tawsha Box from KISS 103.5 told me to roll my pants. Roll my pants?! Didn't we do this in the early 90's I think I look like a goof, but Zizly approves and she dresses cool. So yes or no, can I pull it off?!


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