
Mosquitoes Swarming the Treasure Valley
Mosquitoes Swarming the Treasure Valley
Mosquitoes Swarming the Treasure Valley
If you've already been bitten by mosquitoes this year, it comes to no surprise. We have more mosquitoes than normal in Treasure Valley this season. Here's what you need to know to keep yourself safe.
Dangerous Virus in Ada County
Dangerous Virus in Ada County
Dangerous Virus in Ada County
This virus scares me to death, in fact it can be deadly and often times we don't take it seriously enough. A woman in Ada County has been diagnosed with West Nile Virus.
West Nile Virus Epidemic Coming
West Nile Virus Epidemic Coming
West Nile Virus Epidemic Coming
Ada County Officials are warning us to get ready.  An unprecedented amount of mosquitoes will hit us hard because of the prolonged flooding of the Boise River and officials are saying an epidemic most likely will be a reality.
Millions of Bugs in Boise
Millions of Bugs in Boise
Millions of Bugs in Boise
Standing water and warm weather makes a perfect breeding ground for bugs here in Boise. We are in for a doozy of a summer!