How much would you pay to replace the pipe in this picture?


As you know from the show, I have been without an oven in our home for the past 8 months. I've been fine using the microwave and our Traeger.  But my wife and the girls are DONE with my nonsense.

I've given in and decided to buy a new oven. But the thing is my wife wants a gas range instead of an electric one.  That means running some new pipe in our basement to the kitchen.  I called out an expert who wanted to charge me $600 dollars to do the job.  $600!

But with the help of my father in law who is in town, I was able to go to the hardware store, buy the pipe necessary for the project, and get it all done ourselves for just $100.

So this is what it feels like to be a manly do-it-yourselfer.  I kinda of like it.

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