Tragedy is leading to new safety measures at one Canyon County intersection.

Remember the two fatal crashes that happened within three weeks in Canyon County? These accidents have led the Canyon Highway district to install additional safety features to the intersection of Homedale and Farmway roads.

The first accident (March 30) claimed the life of three children. In the second, (April 21), a 29-year-old man from Caldwell was killed.

According to The Idaho Statesman, both accidents were caused by "drivers failing to stop at the oversized stop signs on Homedale Road and colliding with oncoming traffic on Farmway [road]".

So the Canyon Highway District No. 4 is installing flashing beacons on both roads to alert drivers. They'll be placed above the stop signs "in both directions on Homedale and 400 feet before the intersection in both directions on Farmway, Richard said."

Hopefully these safety measure will prevent future tragedies. PLEASE DRIVE SAFE, AND PAY ATTENTION!

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