Dorky Styles You Should Pick Up From Dad...


Always fun coming across these articles telling us what to wear, how to act, who to be, who not to be... you know what I'm saying.  Apparently it's cool to not be cool.  Which makes me cool.  Cool! tells us, in detail, why all those dorky little traits your parents have are coming full circle.  Yeah, they actually show a little individuality and in a lot of ways... are cool!  I'm going to give the ladies my best shot at fashion here.  Strap yourselves in.  Ha!  Here's some specifics.


Shirt Tucked Into Your Pants / Skirt

  • Tucking in your shirt accentuates your waist nicely.  It also strikes a nice balance between your top and your bottoms.  Plus it keeps your tush from hiding under the hem of your skirt.


Fanny Packs

  • Fanny packs are getting a revamp!  And they're actually, like, weirdly handy.  Buy a chic one that you can rock with any outfit or a wacky one that looks ultra normcore.


Massive Glasses

  • My dad has circular frames and had even bigger ones in the 80's that could rival Harry Potter's.  What was once ultra dorky is now pretty cool.  Go for frames that are a cool color and rock em' whether you need them to see or not.



  • Okay, these are way old school so maybe your grandpa rocks these.  Still, you can absolutely rock suspenders in a way that doesn't look corny.  Pair with some slim fit pants and your favorite body suit for a super form flattering look.


Socks and Sandals

  • Yeah, this fashion faux pas and classic combination your dad might wear with shorts is actually pretty cute.  Try it.  You'll be surprised.

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