It's not very often we take on a project bigger than ourselves.  Something more important than all the small things we do each day, the people we know, the jobs we have, even our own lives.  When Carly and I sat down with 12-year-old Krew Steele of Middleton, Idaho it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.  In all my years of begging and pleading for people to give, to help children with cancer I've never actually sat down with one of these kids and had a heart-to heart.  Krew gave me that opportunity and I'm forever grateful for it.

Seeing the physical toll cancer's taken on Krew and seeing his courage as he stepped up to the microphone to open up about his life, his struggle, his fierce battle and hearing all of the honest little details that most of us never think about was eye opening.  It put a real face to the very words we use during our St Jude Radiothon.  A face that's not only real, but here... part of our community... one of us.

Credit: Teena Steele
Credit: Teena Steele

Krew goes to school just like every other 12-year-old in the Treasure Valley.  He loves playing soccer and doing anything adventurous.  He likes games, concerts, events, and pretty much everything any normal 12-year-old likes but Krew is anything but normal.  Not because the cancer and his treatments have taken a physical toll.  Not because he has cancer period, but because of the courage this young man shows every single second of every day.  He never gives up.  He never stops.  He never, ever will be defeated.  Krew, it's an honor to know you.  You're an inspiration to all of us.  The world is a better place because you're in it.  Check out Krew's story in the video below.

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