Let's say you have a friend who is on a weight loss program --hypothetically speaking, it might be this $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge.  And let's say that friend comes to you and tells you that they "fell off the wagon."  Yep...one day they were standing in the office kitchen, looking at a box of maple bars and said, "You know, it's been a stressful week, I'm feeling tired and need a little energy." and then before you know it your friend has eaten 3 maple bars.  This is all hypothetically speaking -- because of course, that would NEVER have happened to me.

And, hypothetically speaking, this person comes to you complaining about how awful they feel after eating the donuts -- both about themselves AND the sugar rush was just plain awful.  But instead of offering them friendship, support and motivation to get back on with the program while looking at this little "dietary blip" as a chance to discover those food-related triggers in their life, you look at this friend and say, "What in the world is wrong with you? Don't you have any self-control?  How can you possibly be so stupid and weak-willed?"

Of course, we'd NEVER say something like that to a good friend -- at least I hope not.  So -- why do we say it to ourselves?  Why do we beat ourselves up over every single dietary "blip" or unhealthy choice?  Why are we immediately willing to forgive our friends, but never ourselves?

I honestly have no answer to this one because when it comes to negative self-talk, I am the queen -- I have the crown and cape!  Just ask my husband. Actually, on second thought, don't ask him.  I honestly can't remember a day when I didn't give myself a "good talking to" for some perceived dietary mis-cue.  Clearly, that isn't a healthy or loving thing to do because it's not something to which I would ever subject anyone else.

So here's my challenge to myself this week -- feel free to adopt it for yourself as well.  When you have lapsed in your weight loss goals, take a step back, take a deep breath and just get back to making healthy choices.  The "You Docs" (Drs. Oz and Roizen) call this a "You Turn" -- Don't you just love that?  A You Turn is a quick turn around from the unhealthy direction you were traveling -- and turn towards healthy choices.  I think my You Turn has to happen early on because if I make one mis-step and then a whole bunch more, I'm a goner.

So I'm saying to myself:  Be loving to me.  Be forgiving of me.  Give a "You Turn" today.  Happy/healthy living!


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