BSU's annual homecoming parade was full of spirit, but vandalism of one float put a damper on things last night.


Rick and I had the opportunity to participate in the BSU Homecoming parade last year and it was such a fun event to be a part of. There is nothing like the spirit of Boise State fans!


Unfortunately, this year one of the floats was vandalized. The float was designed with the theme "Black Lives Matter," an issue that has become central in our country the last several months.


No matter what side you are on, I think it's safe to say that vandalism is never the right choice.


Right now security officials at BSU are investigating the incident and the President of Boise State has condemned the act.


According to KTVB, student Nnandii Alexander belongs to Boise State's Afro-Black Student Alliance and expressed frustration on her Twitter account about the act.

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